Nga Yin Tran

That’s me

∞ I AM ∞

My name is Nga. I love to laugh, to experiment, and to explore. I love to find my own truth through experiences. I love Humanity. My first awakening was in 2012, but I was always a clairvoyant and was able to see and feel through the layers and timelines. The difference now is that I wasn’t aware of it. I had a lot of lower energies in my field, layers, that had blocked and interfered with my abilities and disturbed my primordial energy to flow. I discovered and merged with my inner wisdom, memories, and abilities throughout my journey.

It was and is still a very interesting and challenging journey so far. I was able to shed a lot of layers, to merge with my higher aspects, regain my power and still go deeper within. As with everyone from this wave, in the past, I had dramatic experiences, ancestor-related topics, traumas and toxicity to transform, stories and timelines to close. In order to gain experience, mature and ascend.

I AM an authentic, vulnerable, multidimensional being. I AM an Earth Grid and Portal Keeper, an Divine Architect, a Cosmic Light Conduit, and Activator, a Vanguard and a Galactic Guardian.

Through the accelerated, accelerated, accelerated ascension process and the high amount of high frequent energies that are pouring in, I AM here to assist, guide and hold space for everyone who needs support right now.

We are all in this together. We are going through this together. The majority of us are going through this process, some faster and some slower ;).


Let's create ripples in the matrix...

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